We live in a society where this disbelief has passed on from generations to generations over centuries, that one need to be white and slim inorder to be beautiful. Girls need to have an hourglass figure or a body slim as a stick to get a spouse or they have to be fair as a pale blonde maiden to be appreciated by others, Boys have to be manly enough or should have a good body with six packs and biceps. This is so impolitic by all means. In schools children are taught to stop or stand up the act of bullying, but my question is how will they learn to fight up against it when it is seen everywhere, Starting from their very homes from the people called family to distant relatives,teachers and evenfriends. My question is, is this fair.? is this how we should be treated.? if this isn't called bully or harrsement, what is it called. I've heard people saying. "Oh you'd be so pretty if you were a little slim" or " you are so fair, how come your daughter is black, you should buy her some fairness creams to make her beatuiful" or " omg you've gained so much weight, you look older than your mother" or " your so fat and ugly i'd date a cow but never you" . How come these people doesn't understand how much pain this will cause to the other person. Not everyone is fat because they eat too much. It could be due to a disease or a genetic issue. You'll never know what the other person is going through unless you are in their shoes. This kind of offensive words could lead the other person to anxiety or depression or even worse.The poll of 4,500 UK adults found a third had felt anxious about their bodies, with one in eight experiencing suicidal thoughts. Isn't it time that we stand up against body shaming and end this inconsiderate act once and for all. Everybody is beautiful in their own way it doesn't inculde size or race to be considered as beautiful. Beauty comes from within ones heart not from appearance. #stopbodyshaming